Be a Hero!

When someone is bullied, they are made to feel alone. The bully wants them to feel that everyone is against them, and that their hateful words are what everyone else thinks, too. That feeling of isolation is only amplified when the bullying takes place online, where their words can reach their victim any time of any day.

To counteract this, we need to not only align ourselves with the victims, but make our stances known to the bullies themselves. We need to strongly and compassionately support anyone whom is subjected to cyberbullying. At the same time, we need to let cyberbullies everywhere know that we recognize their damaging behavior and that it is not okay. These combined efforts will abolish the feeling of isolation and discourage the aggressors from continuing their behavior.

By downloading the I Am a Witness app and emoji, everyone can instantly obtain the perfect tool to accomplish both of the goals mentioned above – supporting the victims and discouraging the bullies. The emoji can be used on any social media platform; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Snapchat all support the use of the I Am a Witness emoji. It is easy, effective, and universally applicable. It also represents words and concepts that would take much longer to communicate than one click. By using the emoji, you are declaring that you are a part of a large and unified effort to stop bullying and that you WILL NOT stand by and watch anyone be subjected to bullying.

That last sentiment cannot be understated. The I Am a Witness campaign is a coordinated effort by many organizations, but the organizations are not the ones that need to stand up to bullying. Bullying can only be defeated by individuals; individuals brave enough to stand up when none of their friends do. Anyone and everyone can make a profound difference in the life of someone being bullied by simply standing with them and against bullying.

Have the power to change a life and eliminate bullying right at your fingertips. Download the I Am a Witness app and show your support by using the emoji to stand up to cyberbullying. Remember, the difference between a normal person and a hero is just a couple of decisions every day. Be a hero to someone being bullied and BE A WITNESS!

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